Apollymi Recommends... The Terminator


Answers in the Past
Author: Merfilly
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Kyle/Sarah, John Conner
Notes: None
Rating: FRC
Status: Completed
Summary: John knows better than to dwell on the time loop.
Five choices that might have changed the futureâĦ
Author: HiddenCait
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Kyle/Sarah
Notes: Alternate scenarios
Rating: FRT
Status: Completed
Summary: Because really, there were SO many ways we could have kept Kyle alive.


Ratings System

The MPAA doesn't share their ratings system, so I have changed DarkMagick.net over to the Fan Rating Ratings. They are as follows:
¤ FRC - Fan Rated Suitable for Children
¤ FRT - Fan Rated Suitable For Teens
¤ FRM - Fan Rated Suitable For Mature Persons
¤ FRAO - Fan Rated Suitable For Adults Only

I hope this helps in some small way.