Apollymi Recommends... Samurai Deeper Kyo


Author: Chibi Tenshi
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Kyo/Yuya, Kyoshiro
Notes: Spoilers for end of manga
Rating: FRT
Status: Completed
Summary: Post chapter 307 fic because the loser in me demanded to see some Kyo/Yuya interaction.
Author: Chibi Tenshi
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Kyo/Yuya
Notes: None
Rating: FRC
Status: Completed
Summary: An interlude piece set during Vol. 15 of the manga. Yuya reflects on something that was stolen from her. So what's Kyo going to do about it?
Cold Comfort
Author: Artillie
Pairings(s)/Character(s): Kyo/Yuya
Notes: None
Rating: FRC
Status: CompletedL
Summary: Kyo isn't very good at comforting people. He never claimed that he was.
Author: Kouri
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Kyo/Yuya, Kyoshiro, Sakuya, Akira
Notes: Spoilers through Volume 10 of manga
Rating: FRM
Status: Completed
Summary: Kyo introspective; thoughts about a certain bounty hunter, Kyoshiro and Sakuya.
Author: Hitomi Brighteyes
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Kyo/Yuya
Notes: Site requires age identification
Rating: FRM
Status: Completed
Summary: Possession, it's nine tenths of the law, and when doubt arises, Kyo has no qualms in taking what is his.
Preferences, Or: The Art of Not Waiting
Author: lilacfield
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Kyo/Yuya, Kyoshiro/Sakuya
Notes: Spoilers for end of manga
Rating: FRC
Status: Completed
Summary: Kyou and Yuya are having a bet.
Author: Artillie
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Kyo/Yuya
Notes: None
Rating: FRT
Status: Completed
Summary: In Aokigahara, Kyo walks and Yuya follows. Or, at least she tries to.
Scorching Ecstasy
Winter Solace
Author: QueenMystic
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Kyo/Yuya
Notes: Site requires age identification
Rating: FRM
Status: Completed
Summary: It's so hot that Kyo can’t sleep. He finds himself looking a parts of Yuya’s body that he never noticed before.
Simple Pleasures, Hot and Cold Intentions
Author: SkittyChan
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Kyo/Yuya
Notes: Site requires age identification
Rating: FRAO
Status: Completed
Summary: The sexual tension continue in this new series that takes place after the manga. In the garden or in the bath house, our favorite samurai and bounty hunter will knock heads in order to stay ahead of one another in the games of love.
Still of the Night
Author: Chibi Tenshi
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Kyo/Yuya
Notes: None
Rating: FRT
Status: Completed
Summary: Yuya's sleepwalking, and Kyo gets more than he bargained for in the process.
When Teasing Doesn't Work
Author: Alyson Metallium
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Kyo/Yuya
Notes: None
Rating: FRT
Status: Completed
Summary: When Yuya suffers from nightmares brought on by Shinrei's attack, Kyo must find an alternate way to ease those memories when his usual insults fail to help.


Ratings System

The MPAA doesn't share their ratings system, so I have changed DarkMagick.net over to the Fan Rating Ratings. They are as follows:
¤ FRC - Fan Rated Suitable for Children
¤ FRT - Fan Rated Suitable For Teens
¤ FRM - Fan Rated Suitable For Mature Persons
¤ FRAO - Fan Rated Suitable For Adults Only

I hope this helps in some small way.