Apollymi Recommends... Angel


Noble Souls, Rising from Disaster
Author: babies stole my dingo
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Spike, Illyria, Angel, Connor
Notes: Spoilers (5.22)
Rating: FRT
Status: Completed
Summary: Spike, Illyria, Connor, and Angel have a little confab in the Hyperion.
Separation Anxiety
Author: babies stole my dingo
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Spike, Fred, Illyria, Angel, Gunn, Connor, Harmony
Notes: Spoilers (5.15 through 5.22)
Rating: FRT
Status: Completed
Summary: Illyria gets hit with a firebolt that separates her from Fred. Fred is understandably upset by the AI team not trying harder to get her back, and Spike comforts her.
Status Quo Ante
Author: babies stole my dingo
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Wes/Lilah, Spike/Illyria, Angel
Rating: FRT
Status: Completed
Summary: They come up with a creative way to get out of the contract.
Survivor's Guilt
Author: babies stole my dingo
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Spike/Illyria, Angel
Notes: Angst, Spoilers (5.22)
Rating: FRT
Status: Completed
Summary: Angel, Spike, and Illyria gather in the Hyperion to decide what they do next. Showers, Shanshu, and angst ensue.
Some Angel stories can also be found on the Crossover and Fusion recommendations page,
located here.


Ratings System

The MPAA doesn't share their ratings system, so I have changed DarkMagick.net over to the Fan Rating Ratings. They are as follows:
¤ FRC - Fan Rated Suitable for Children
¤ FRT - Fan Rated Suitable For Teens
¤ FRM - Fan Rated Suitable For Mature Persons
¤ FRAO - Fan Rated Suitable For Adults Only

I hope this helps in some small way.